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Caravan Packing List for Travel in Australia

1 min read

Caravan Packing List for Travel in Australia

Packing Essentials for Outback Travel

This list will give you an outline of what to pack in your caravan for a trip away.

Top 10 things to pack in your caravan - well we can't narrow it to 10 only so here is our list.

Download link for more comprehensive list at the bottom.

Food and Cooking

  • Cutlery, plates, and unbreakable cups
  • Cooking utensils (saucepan, fry pan, can opener)
  • Long-life or canned food (bread, milk, vegetables, canned meals)
  • Tea, coffee, sugar, salt, spices


  • Pillows, blankets, or sleeping bags
  • Ground sheet
  • Compact bags for easy storage (rucksack/sausage bag)

Clothing and Footwear

  • Trousers, shirts, and warm jumpers/jackets
  • Rain gear, hat, and fly net
  • Durable walking shoes, rubber boots, and overalls


  • Soap, toilet paper, toothpaste
  • Shaving gear, shampoo, and baby wipes

First Aid

  • Comprehensive kit
  • Medications, creams for bites and burns
  • Band-aids, headache tablets, sunburn cream

Walking and Camping Gear

  • GPS, compass, map, whistle
  • Tent, pegs, ropes, chairs, and table
  • Fire-starting materials, bucket, clothesline

Vehicle and Tyre Maintenance

  • Full spare tyre, tyre repair kit, and pump
  • Jack, mallet, and tyre levers
  • Assorted spanners, screwdrivers, pliers
  • Emergency fuel and water containers


  • Satellite phone or HF radio
  • UHF radio for local communication
  • Emergency beacon (EPIRB)

Outback and Recovery Equipment

  • Sand tracks, snatch straps, D shackles
  • Shovel, axe, gloves
  • Recovery tools (winch, snatch block)

Incidental Items

  • Camera, notebook, and maps
  • Binoculars, sunglasses
  • Permits for restricted areas, if required

Packing Tips

  • Use foam padding for fragile items
  • Store liquids in secure, leak-proof containers
  • Check and secure refrigerator doors and blinds during travel

Here is a downloadable checklist for packing your caravan for travel